National Themes: How Britain’s Subsidized Theatre Helped ‘Angels’ Fly

Despite having “America” in its title, Tony Kushner’s Angels in America owes a fair amount of its early development—and its high early profile—to Britain’s National Theatre. And as its first Broadway revival readies its opening in March, almost exactly 25 years since its original Main Stem run, it seems oddly fitting that this new production also comes fromContinueContinue reading “National Themes: How Britain’s Subsidized Theatre Helped ‘Angels’ Fly”

Angels Crashing in: Broadway gets closer.

How many times can I fall in love with this play all over again?  And how also does it still hurt so damn much. Photo: Annie Leibovitz for Vogue It’s something that’s been kicking around my brain a lot, as the production moves towards Broadway. Today spurned on by the article in Vogue and the gorgeous imagesContinueContinue reading “Angels Crashing in: Broadway gets closer.”

A Kind of Painful Progress; Angels in America and Me.

  First published on my research blog 25th August 2017    Almost a week ago now, Prior Walter bid the Lyttleton theatre ‘More Life’ one last time. Twenty-four years earlier it had opened next door in the Cottesloe. And some 14 or so years earlier they Angel first crashed into my life. Since then it’sContinueContinue reading “A Kind of Painful Progress; Angels in America and Me.”

2017 Round up

Here it is a list of the 10 shows that for various reasons made a mark in 2017. Some commentary being naturally longer than others… Here are my ‘top 10’ in sort of order but sort of not…   Far Side of the Moon- Robert Le Page- WMC I’m including in part for the experienceContinueContinue reading “2017 Round up”

Let’s Fly these Angels to Broadway

This post was originally written for my Research Blog reflecting on the announcement of the Broadway transfer of Angels So it’s official that the Angels are flying back to America. Admittedly it was a fairly well known ‘secret’ and admittedly I knew some weeks ago. On one hand that’s what made it easier for meContinueContinue reading “Let’s Fly these Angels to Broadway”

Flying the Angel of History

This piece was originally written for Wales Arts Review,  the full version can be found here. “History is about the crack wide open” warns the Angels to Prior Walter. And history, of Reagan, 80s America and AIDS is certainly on show for all to see in the National Theatre’s  revival of Angels in America. ButContinueContinue reading “Flying the Angel of History”